terkebil mata melihat jam menanti masa untuk pulang ke UIA.
erghh penat rasa tubuh ku ini bagaikan retak palang seribu.
journey to the East - sabtu, 22/3/2009 jam 8 pagi i woke up from my dream straight away for bath. At 9 is my halakah exam. I was kinda tired as the night before i slept at 3 a.m. xpelaaa nnt dh abis exam niat di hati ingin ku qadha' tidur ku nnt. I finished my exam at 9.30 and it was a yahoo for me as i can continue my dream part 2. hahaa. sedang ghairah membayangkn mimpi, my phone rang and it was my uncle calling then i answered and asked, 'apakah niat di hati?'
He asked me, are u free now? yes i do as im having a luxurious time on my bed. then he said good!! drive me then...i asked, 'where?' he said..'jom laaaa.' yelaaa kemane?? jom ikut baba gi PAHANG' and i was like...pahang?? ahaaa ok..menariknye(with an empty feeling). Pahang?? ohh god, urghhh ad je halangan. hmmm tidak mahu ku mengguris hati, I said, ok! then at 10 we went out.
at first i thought im the one tht suppose to drive, but die xnk..katanya die nk drive 'ape ingat baba tak reti drive ke?' ok whatever... so mula laaa perjalanan kami. After an hour later, i asked, 'are we there yet?' No! 2 hours later, 'are we there yet?' No! as i can see a cow overtook us. nice....
but then without realising, we finally arrived and i was mesmarised as i could see greens of mountains and padi field wide open with the crystal river flowing thru the villege. It was beautiful as i could feel peace in my heart.
journey back, i drove...ape lagi mmg mcm F1 laa i bwk. Mau taknye, dah senja I pn nk jgk balik rumah.
Dating with atuk - sunday, 23/3/2009. last night i slept at 5 a.m. Ad laaa somethign I buat. Since it is sunday so doesnt mind i cn sleep as much as i want. hmh! at 9 a.m. my eldest called and wanted me to pick up my Atuk in my aunt's house and take him out for lunch. ahhhhhhhhhhh nk kene drive lg. Penat kot!! haih nak x nak kene laaa..
about 11 i went out tp fetch him up. Then i drove him till sunway to visit baby Zahran(my new born nephew). On the way we pass thru pyramid and atuk asked me whats insedi there. I told him is just a mall with shops. Dengan nada yang sayu, 'teringin jgk atuk nk menengoknye' haha paham-paham laaa tu.
once arrived at my eldest's house i told him, atuk nk g pyramid, so he said ok!! bwk laaa.. bwk laaa?? i expect him to bring.. i plak kene bwk laaaa?? haih inilah hakikat menajdi bongsu. Baik abang ku, maka bawa laa daku atuk ku kesana, hmh tp abgku ikut jgk. So there where we had our dinner and waht so. maka pulang ke rumah.
then my bro kata, hantar laaa atuk blk shah alam? and i was like haaa?? kata die yg nk anta. I was freekin exausted and i nk kene anta?? huh.. last2 i told no i cnt, i gotta rush back to uia asap. so die ok laa... then at 5 i walk out back to my house. On the way back lalu Shah Alam and suddently tlintas di hati utk menjenguk papan buruk ku...hahaha tidak tertahan nafsu ku, dalam penat sempat jgk aku singgah skate jap. hahaha.. but then at 6.45 i dh tak tahan sgt i went home. But on the way i singgah Bukit Jelutong to fetch up Lukman as he wanted to go back with.
and now im back at home, check e-mail jap, ms, n whatsoever so after this..haihh nk kene lagi drive blk ke uia.. so guys, have a great time.